The 4+1 View Model

The 4+1 View Model

After watching the video Six Blind Men and reading the article "The Elephant and the Blind Programmers", it can be obvious that developers oftenly struggle when deciding what is the problem to tackle and what is the optimal solution to it. People can be very certain that their solution and their view of the problem is the only one and the correct one, when it is possible that maybe non of them have the reason, and therefore they are all wrong about the problem and its solution. However, I can also see that, as in the story of the blinds, sometimes your perspective is limited to your area of knowledge. I think that you have to constantly try different abilities inside the programming area for you to have a bigger and more complete image of the whole problem, so you can propose more than one way to solve it, rather than specializing in one techinque and trying to solve everything with that one exclusive skill or strategy.

There was another article that talks about the 4+1 View Model, which describes 4 different ways of how to look at software behaviour or phases, and an additional one which supports the other four.
  • Logical view: Represents the objects that will be built including their classes and how they will communicate and the logistic of our software too.
  • Development view: Shows how the system is organized during its development for the programmers to know which part is connected to what.
  • Process view: Represents the concurrency and synchronized aspects in the software and other aspects like the usage of a net store or warehouse.  
  • Physical view: Describes how software and hardware are related and how the system will looked after being finished and installed.
  • Use-case view: Explains how the system is expected to behave, what should happen when used and how the user should interact with it.


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