Software Architecture

The power of good software architecture

The importance behind a simple, yet efficient design.

In the chapter 14 of his book "Code Craft", author and developer Peter GoodLiffe talks about the importance and influence of good software designing. I found it quite practical (and a little unconventional) how he describes the different styles of architecture in software through comparisons with pasta. I was so hungry yet intrigued while reading through the descriptions of each type and the different applications each have for different situations.

I always find it overwhelming how easy it can seem to make a good base to develop software, and yet there are so many sources and lectures on how to get it right, as it is clearly underestimated how challenging it can result to make not only a functional software, but flexible, modular, esthetic, and reliable. And the most difficult thing of all is that there are NO right answers. There are NO instructions or guides on how to build the perfect software, because it will always depend on the problem at which it is targeted. 

So with this thought in mind, I can't help but read and try to imagine punctual examples and theoretical situations to which each type of architecture described by Peter would come in handy. It is great to look to this sources and keep up in day in order to have more tools to tackle the different problems we solve, but as I can only think of previous projects I've developed while reading this chapter, I do share the feeling that putting all the knowledge into action clearly provides a more complete and experienced point of view in the different styles of architecture. I think that in order to really understand this styles and design patterns there is no other way but coding and trying each of them and learn how in a particular way did they solved or not the inital premise. 

I'm looking forward to the class in order to further develop my skillset and amplify my toolset as well.


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