

Hi there! Welcome to my Blog! My name is Santiago Nakakawa Bernal. I'm 21 years old and I'm currently studying Computer Science and Engineering in ITESM CEM. People often call me Naka as a diminutive from my last name.

I love music and playing the piano. I am currently certificating in a Degree as Piano Interpreter by the Abroad Royal School of Music from the UK. (ABRSM), and hope to study a masters in music technology or music software development. I too have experience in different performances and shows.

Videogames are also another big passion of mine. I love playing videogames for both Play Station and PC. My favorite games are the Assassin's Creed Saga, the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, the Last of Us, Injustice and Uncharted. As you can see, I have an inclination for first player role-play games with rich histories. This winter vacations I recently played Rise of the Tomb Raider, AC Rogue and a lot of Minecraft.

About films my favorite content I watched last year was:

  • The Revenant (Again)
  • Infinity War
  • Aquaman
  • BanderSnatch
  • Your Name
  • Bohemian Rhapsody
  • Perfecto Desconocido
And in series, I loved watching the following:
  • Friends
  • Trollhunters
  • 3 Below
  • Ministerio del Tiempo
  • Riverdale
  • Rick and Morty
  • Disenchantment

About my expectations for this course, I do hope I further complement my knowledge of software design, as I've learned through past courses the great importance in a good design and how much it can facilitate and make a more efficient development process. Plus I hope to learn a lot of Ruby, since it is a programming language I've been looking up to learn since I entered the Major.


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